Like my status
January 31, 2012
Not quite the same as page clicks but it’s the equivalent for college students who live their lives via Facebook status updates. The point is is that our generation is defined by how successful we are online–how many friends we have on Facebook, how many people follow us on Twitter, how many page clicks and followers our blogs have.
In this article by Joel Achenbach, he writes about the slow decline of the newspaper industry and the rapid rise of news on the Internet. It used to be circulation but now the go to statistic for success is the highly faulty and shady number provided by page clicks. I have to agree with everything he says.
The fact of the matter is that we live in a mobile, on the go world. There are so many platforms that throw information our way and as consumers of this information we ahve to be picky about what we choose to read. We can see an article in the newspaper or maybe hear about it but why pick up the paper when you can go online and see the additional maps, photographs, links, videos and other data?
It’s also about convenience. Taking your phone out of your pocket and reading an article on your commute to article is much easier than digging out your newspaper and finding the right page and then folding it perfectly. No need to continue to page A6. Just swipe. Don’t have to read it? Instapaper.