Introduction: “Journalism Next”
February 1, 2012
The introduction of “Journalism Next” by Mark Briggs simply puts that the state of journalism has not only just changed from the past few decades, but that it will continue to change constantly.
As a product of the 90s, my world of journalism as I’ve gotten older saw the end of print of journalism as it was and its transition to the online world. When I properly started to pay attention to the news and keep up with the world, it was done through television and online newspapers and blogs. Now my news intake is almost exclusively only online, from my phone to my laptop to the television, I can assure my news comes from a screen.
Journalism is on a great new path, anyone with an Internet connection can be a writer giving people the opportunity to get their work out their without having their names on a New York Times byline.
“While journalism isn’t the only industry caught in the middle of a massive upheaval, I would argue it’s an industry that stands a great chance of making it to the other side and dramatically improving along the way,” wrote Briggs. I couldn’t have put it better myself.