Recently the U.S. Army has been using Pinterest to reach the masses via social media and also to appeal more to women since Pinterest is driven mostly by women. In class we talk a lot about social media, and more recently Pinterest so this article on The Verge fits in quite perfectly.

…while most that follow the military are men, the Army sees the primarily female-centric Pinterest as an opportunity to reach out to family members and spouses. Many of the Army’s pinboards reflect this intent — Army Style & Fashion, DIY & Decor, and Valentine’s Day are among those featured — but it’s not limiting its appeal strictly based on gender, with a number of the collections also focusing on what would be considered more traditional military themes. -Bryan Bishop, The Verge

I think it’s great different that the US Army is expanding their social media horizons. A more in depth article, which this Verge article is based on, can be found on the Atlantic Wire website.

“We saw that would be a way that we could potentially reach an audience that we don’t normally reach with our other platforms,” Major Juanita Chang, Director of Online and Social Media for the U.S. Army told The Atlantic Wire. “We know pinterest is highly dominated by women… A lot of people that follow the military are men because that’s the majority of the military. We want to connect and reach out to the female population and maybe the Army spouses and family members — the people who wouldn’t have any other reason to follow the military otherwise.” Major Juanita Chang, director of online and social media of the U.S. Army, via the Atlantic Wire

via The Atlantic Wire


Pinterest is a great website to look at different content of your interest and then pinning them to boards and you’re also able to share your own work (articles, videos, photographs, etc.) with other people. I’m personally overwhelmed by it but that’s for another post.

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