Via an article on The Verge, according to a new report from Nielsen, as of February 2012, 49.7 of US mobile owners own a smartphone. Some statistics for you: 48% of owners say they own a Android OS device 32% own an iPhone 12% own a BlackBerry As for the new purchases: 48% bought an […]

In this The Verge article, people are more likely to check their smartphone than they are likely to give in to a cigarette break according to a study from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business (say that five times fast). I do not smoke or drink (ok, rarely drink) so I can’t say for […]

The Verge

February 5, 2012

The tech website I’ve  decided to follow is The Verge. It is a website founded by Joshua Topolsky who used to the the editor-in-chief at popular tech news website Engadget. What I like about this site is that there is a collection of tech news–the newest rumors, product reviews, articles about different gadgets, web shows, […]