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If you’re not using Twitter, you’re behind. On everything.

Chapter four covers microblogging which is short amounts of information online, so essentially Twitter. In my opinion, this chapter reads as a love letter to the site which is fine by me because I can’t live without my Twitter.

What makes Twitter so popular, in my opinion, is that it is always updating, news is always flowing and it’s instant. In a previous blog I wrote about how Twitter gives you instant gratification. You choose who you follow so if someone isn’t as funny as you thought they were, unfollow. This person gives great news and links, follow. It’s as simple as that.

Speaking of simple, it’s a simple format. You get 140 characters, you can add links (use a link shortener to save characters) and attach pictures. You can tweet someone, retweet someone and more. You can also #hashtag The simplicity and convenience is what really makes it popular.

Here is a great YouTube video that gives a little Twitter tutorial.

Need other reasons to get on Twitter?

  1. For people who are not yet an established name, this is a great way to get your work out. People have blogs to do that, but why not try to reach more people by tweeting the link to your blog? It’s a great way to reach a mass audience.
  2. It’s a great way to get your news quicker. Check your Twitter timeline and read the headlines. If you question the credibility of Twitter, follow the major news sources like CNN or the AP. And if you’re like me, follow their sub-twitters, a word I just made up. You can follow AP Fashion, AP Travel or whatever else you’re into!
  3. Twitter can keep you updated. If you follow a number of different people covering a number of different things, you’re constantly aware of what’s happening. I follow not only the Washington Post, but I follow the Woodbridge Patch account so I know what’s happening in DC and nationally as well what’s happening in my own town.
  4. Meet new, cool people! There are quite a few people that I follow and talk to that I’ve never met but share interests with. These are the people I wish I could replace my current Facebook friends with, with all due respect to my Facebook friends.

So what I’m trying to say is get on Twitter, you won’t regret it!


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