Chapter 9: How to filter

March 21, 2012

With so many outlets for news the key to keeping up to date is organization. We truly do have information overload. Between, email, newspapers, Twitter, news applications on your mobile phone, radio, television and watching/reading content online, we are always being fed new information. What I do I personally use the Twitter for Mac application. […]

For every article written online, chances are there is an accompanying video. Time and time again we are told that to be a journalist, you need to be able to cross-platform including being able to produce and create videos. In chapter eight, Briggs gives a numbers of great tips and tools to help even the […]

I think the very first thing I learned as a student of Communication at Mason that has always been taught is to “know your audience.” In every communication class I’ve taken, this has come up someway, somehow. So once you’ve figured out who your audience is, you should probably figure out to attract them to […]

News as a conversation is really the only way I know news. I always write about how I get most of my news online or through applications on my phone. There is almost always a place to leave a comment and start a discussion. This has it’s pros and cons. While there are many benefits […]

You hear time and time again that a photograph taken in the right place at the right time can tell a story that words cannot express. I think what makes images so powerful is their power to stay in your head. We’ve all read great articles and books but you don’t have a mental image […]

You can’t really talk about journalism without mentioning the power of the smartphone and going mobile. In our Online Journalism class we’ve had two speakers discuss the importance of mobile journalism, from Steve Buttry and Mark Potts. I check my Twitter every morning the same way some people read the paper every morning. Twitter is […]

If you’re not using Twitter, you’re behind. On everything. Chapter four covers microblogging which is short amounts of information online, so essentially Twitter. In my opinion, this chapter reads as a love letter to the site which is fine by me because I can’t live without my Twitter. What makes Twitter so popular, in my […]

The beauty of the Internet is that anyone can use it. You can both consume and create, constantly raising the bar that pushes the standard to a higher level. Crowdsourcing online basically means a number of people all contributing to keep an article updated and accurate. The best example of this is Wikipedia. Articles can […]

Chapter two moves on from how to write HTML to the bonuses of blogging. Now blogging, that is way more up my alley. I read blogs daily and although I’ve only kept up a blog for school, but will most likely start keeping one up personally. Briggs writes about how having a blog gets your […]

While the introduction reaffirmed the idea that journalism is changing at the same rate as technology, chapter one reaffirmed that I have absolutely no knowledge of HTML and the inside workings of the Internet. The web programming language known as HTML is as foreign to me as Chinese. The tips Briggs has in his book […]